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How Independence Now Helps Connect Our Consumers

Green graphic with black text that says "I've learned how to build my own thoughts and opinions about things in life. [Independence Now] has helped me how to connect with people in the same program."

For this week’s consumer story, one of our consumers who wishes to remain anonymous shared with us her experience working with Independence Now.

This consumer was referred to us from DORS and was seeking support resources to learn how to self-advocate.

After working with Shannon and Independence Now, she says, “I’ve learned how to build my own thoughts and opinions about things in life. [Independence Now] has helped me how to connect with people in the same program.”

If you’d like to learn more about how Independence Now can support your goals, contact Shannon Minnick, Director of Independent Living Services, at 240-638-0070 or Or visit

How Independence Now Helps Connect Our Consumers
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