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How Ms. Annette is Staying Connected During COVID

Photo of Ms. Annette on her bed using her new laptop.

With some of the CARES Act funding received from the Administration for Community Living, Independence Now has purchased laptops or Chromebooks for consumers to stay better connected during the pandemic. Ms. Annette received a laptop and, because Annette is blind, the computer was loaded with JAWS software so that it would be more accessible for her to use. She looks forward to her increased independence with her new computer!

Annette reported to Serena Jaros, our Independent Living COVID Coordinator, “I am really excited to get started with my laptop. I wanted to be more self-sufficient. I can’t always ask my granddaughter to get me online. I want to be able to get online for myself. I get sent event invites to virtual events and now I can participate.”


How Ms. Annette is Staying Connected During COVID
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