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Focus on Assistive Technology

photo of dual shower head with lowered hand nozzle installed in a shower next to a vertical grab bar.
photo of horizontal grab bar.

Independence Now, like most Centers for Independent Living (CILs), supports consumers to know about and obtain many types of assistive technology (AT) and home accessibility. We make connections for our consumers with other AT programs in the state that offer evaluation, devices, training, and information.  We are also in the process of building an AT Lending Library where people can come to look at different items or take them home and try them out.

This post will focus on our AT and Home Modifications (Mods) program. We have grant funds to help pay for home or vehicle modifications or to purchase assistive technology. Our program supports people with significant disabilities and very low incomes to purchase AT or make home or vehicle mods. There are income level requirements and a co-pay paid by the consumer. The goal of the purchase is to increase the independence of the consumer, allowing them to do more on their own or be safe remaining in their home.

A recent consumer had grab bars and a dual shower head installed. Here’s what she had to say:

“I am a senior with back and knee problems and the grab bars in my shower have provided safety and mobility for me. Before I had the grab bars installed, there were many times I lost my balance and almost fell because I did not have anything to grab and hold onto. I am so happy and pleased with the grab bars and dual showerhead and would highly recommend them.”

Visit to learn more about our assistive technology and home and vehicle modification services, or contact us today to learn more about your eligibility. Call us at 240-898-2188 or email

Focus on Assistive Technology
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