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Supports Planning, a Consumer’s Perspective

Janice is a Montgomery County resident and a consumer of our Supports Planning Agency. She recently shared her experience working with Supports Planner, Nina Russell, to stay connected and receive support through COVID-19.

Screenshot of Supports planner Nina russell facetiming with supports planning agency consumer, janice.Nina has helped me with so many things from getting an aide, to applying for additional community services, to teaching me how to attach a file to send her documents, among many other things! At first, I thought her title was Super Planner – and turns out that she really is super – but that her title is Supports Planner. Being predominantly bed-ridden, having a Supports Planner that is able to come out to the house makes the difference between getting things done and maintaining independence and not. During COVID times, Nina has worked with me to better my phone and computer skills so that I am able to stay connected and attend virtual activities and maintain more of a community.

Most places you work with look at your limitations, but Independence Now helps you look at your goals and possibilities and helps you achieve them.

Independence Now’s mission as a Supports Planning Agency is to support individuals residing in Montgomery County, Maryland, to lead independent and full lives in the setting of their choice. Supports Planning is a Medicaid-funded program for people who have been found medically eligible. From a consumer-driven and person-centered perspective, we assist and support individuals to remain in community settings, the transition from nursing facilities, and coordinate care. Learn more at

Supports Planning, a Consumer’s Perspective
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