Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Green graphic with hand coming together in the shape of a heart and text that says "You are not alone. We need to understand how Culture, race, and background impact people's mental health. No one should feel alone and without the support and hep they need."

In honor of Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Independence Now is grateful to Consumers who offered to share their stories about getting mental health support, especially during COVID.

Our Independent Living Specialist for Prince George’s County, Abiola Heylinger, spoke with one Consumer, G. Grant, about his experience.

GG: "I'm still in telecommunication with my psychiatrist, over the phone."

AH: "And how has that been going?"

GG: "It's just like going to see him; same thing."

AH: "OK! Was it easy to set up?"

GG: "It's the same as setting up any other appointment with them"

AH: "Do it online, and is that a challenge?"

GG: "No, I call the office. They set up the appointment just like I was going into the office."

AH: "OK, so pretty easy then?"

GG: "Pretty much the same.

There are so many ways to access Mental and Behavioral Health Services in Maryland. If you need assistance finding the right services for you, contact 211 Maryland. 211 Maryland counselors are available 24/7 via phone, text, or chat and can provide support for people experiencing a mental health crisis, thoughts of suicide, or problems with drugs or alcohol. Dial 211 to learn more or visit 211md.org.

Additional resources can be found in our Resource Directory.

Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
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