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Tara’s Story

Photo of Tara Smith, an Independence Now consumer.
“I came to know Independence Now through my doctor’s office. It was maybe the end of 2016 and I came in, listened to some meetings, and listened to how people talked and saying how we can get these things, and things like that, which was very helpful to me. And in 2017, I got a call that said that I was up for housing and I was like, ‘OK!’
I think I started packing right away! The place where I was gonna go was still being built — a brand new housing development. They’re actually called apartments, but they look like townhouses. Very beautiful. So, I was so happy, and I was like, I gotta go find the address and went to look it up. Then by June, I’m packing, and I finally found the address and I kept coming around to check it and look at it. I was like, Wow!
I end up moving on June 11th of 2017, and it has been a tremendous blessing, especially financially. So, you know, Independence Now is a very good company. They have a lot of resources – very helpful, very knowledgeable. I just love Independence Now.”
Tara’s Story
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