Money Matters
There are a number of actions you can take to prepare for housing in regard to finances. One suggestion is to create and follow a monthly budget, this is a good practice to start and then continue once you move into a new place. It allows you to take into consideration your income and expenses. You can then make decisions about what you can afford and if something is out of your budget limits. Your Money, Your Goals is a great easy to use tool to start a monthly budget. You can access it at:
It is also important to learn about expenses like internet access and renter’s insurance before you move into a new apartment or house. You may want to call cable or internet providers and ask what the monthly costs are so you can compare services and prices. When moving into a new place, there are new expenses like a deposit or first month’s rent. Another financial option to consider is to put money into a savings account whenever possible to build up a little savings that can help with these move-in expenses.
There are free local resources where you can take financial classes and find financial coaches who can support you with your financial goals: