National Barrier Awareness Day

Lower portion of person in a wheelchair outdoors on a sunny day crossing from a paved sidewalk to a grassy area that is level with the sidewalk.
May 7 is National Barrier Awareness Day. National Barrier Awareness Day was initiated on May 7, 1986, and was a proclamation by President Ronald Reagan. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, which prohibits discrimination based on disability, affects the declaration of the day by bringing pertinent issues hindering people with disabilities to public notice.
Today, some 36 million Americans suffer from some form of disability and 80% of Americans will experience some disability in their lifetime. Visible and invisible barriers are equally difficult to overcome. If you or someone you love has a disability and has experienced discrimination or a barrier that is not in compliance with the ADA, you can contact your county’s ADA compliance office for support. With advocacy, education, and awareness these obstacles can be lifted, empowering people with disabilities to live more independent fulfilled lives.
Montgomery County ADA Compliance Team:
Prince George’s County ADA Compliance Contact: Tiffany McNeal, Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement, Visit to learn more:
National Barrier Awareness Day
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