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Celebrate Giving Tuesday by investing in your friendly neighborhood Center for Independent Living!

Seasons Greetings! The giving season is upon us once again and we at Independence Now are so grateful and fortunate to have a dedicated community of generous supporters.

Over the years, your generosity has directly supported programs such as the Maryland Youth Leadership Forum, Money Follows the Person, our Assistive Technology Library, and many other events and services. It also ensured Independence Now could remain a critical resource for consumers to stay connected and engaged during the height of the COVID pandemic.

Now that staff are back in the office, we’re working harder than ever to provide services in a new post-COVID world. And in order to do the best work we can we need you to invest in the backbone of our organization – us!

Our staff want to focus on serving our community, so we’re asking you to help give them the tools to do so! Your donation to Independence Now this season will directly support a solid foundation for our staff to do great work and help reduce stress and obstacles for our employees.

Outside of serving consumers, our staff are busy writing reports that analyze and demonstrate the results of our efforts. They’re learning the latest computer and assistive technologies to increase their productivity and response time. They’re attending seminars and training to strengthen industry knowledge and expand their expertise. And perhaps most importantly, they’re working together to keep up morale. This all translates into higher quality – and more effective – services for the disability community.

We look forward to a 2023 where our staff can feel confident that they’ll have the tools to provide the highest-quality support for people with disabilities in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, as well as Maryland’s youth with disabilities. Help make this a reality by making a donation today!

Independence Now is a 501(c)(3) organization – donations to which are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. A copy of our current financial statement is available upon request by calling our office at 301-277-2839.

Celebrate Giving Tuesday by investing in your friendly neighborhood Center for Independent Living!
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