Hello, my name is JKC, I’m 25 years old and happily living independently in my community. I never thought this would happen, but it did.
I struggled for a while sleeping on a friend’s couch, then at a women’s shelter. It was scary, but Interfaith Works Women’s Shelter allowed me to stay there until I received housing. They were nice at the shelter. The Social Worker encouraged me to stay positive and helped me apply for resources.
However, Independence Now didn’t give up on me when it felt like everyone else did. Independence Now connected me to the shelter, volunteer work, and assisted me with getting on the housing lists in Montgomery County. I obtained housing through the 811 list for CCH Housing with Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County.
I’m grateful to Independence Now staff for believing in me. Independence Now provided me with the support I needed to be independent and can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Special Thank You to Shannon Minnick and Kelvin Hawkins for supporting me through the most difficult time and never giving up on me!