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A Day in the Life of Money Follows the Person Peer Support Counselors

Independence Now provides On-going Peer Support and Outreach for the Money Follows the Person (MFP) project in Prince George’s and Montgomery County. We have three staff, Michael, Carlos, and Felicia who are almost always on the road for MFP.

A typical Day in the Life of our MFP staff means gathering up all their documents, materials, laptop, and clipboard, and heading to the car. They drive to the first facility, go in and greet the receptionist, do a COVID screen, and sanitize their hands!  Staff talk to the receptionist to find out where the social worker is or if there are any activities going on in the building that day. Then off they go to any activity happening and to talk with the social worker.

If there are any ongoing peer support relationships with residents in the building, they ask about their location in the building as well. Our Peer Support Counselors find the individuals with whom they are providing ongoing support and ask them about their transition process, if they have heard from Supports Planner, provide any needed information, answer questions, and generally give support.

While in the building, staff talk with residents participating in activities or hanging around talking to see if there are individuals who are interested in learning about moving to the community. Staff also often visit the cafeteria if it is near a mealtime to chat with residents about home and community-based services.

During the visit, staff talk with the social worker to see if any new residents are interested in moving, if any referrals have been made or if they know of anything needed with the individuals receiving ongoing support. Additionally, social workers often ask questions about Medicaid Waiver applications and staff offer support. If needed staff stop by the business office and gather needed information for new individuals whom they will refer for Options Counseling. As you can imagine, the relationships that are built with nursing facility staff are key to be able to get the work done.

Then staff wrap everything up and either head to another close by facility or go home and call the facilities they are visiting the next day or later that week to let them know about an upcoming visit. There are always phone calls to make or return from interested residents or families as well.  Staff also answer questions about MFP, Medicaid, and the transition process.

A Day in the Life of Money Follows the Person Peer Support Counselors
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