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Dedicated To Your Success: Joseph’s Story

Independence Now is highlighting Consumer Success Stories ahead of our Annual Meeting. Join us on Thursday, June 8 at 1:30 pm at the Hyattsville Library to hear annual reporting, success stories from our Consumers, and for our annual award presentation.

Joseph Valere came to Independence Now when he was living in a nursing facility. Through the assistance of Independence now he was successfully able to transition into the community by getting a project-based voucher. He now has a completely ADA-accessible apartment which he will need for his brand new powerchair we assisted him in obtaining. However, Joseph is very proud of the fact now that he has his own independent space, he has been able to exercise more and is able to move his body more. Now he is working on attending his local community fitness center. He is also eating healthier with the use of adaptable kitchen aids gotten through funding opportunities at IN. He is very excited to be starting both Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. We are so very proud of Joseph and all his accomplishments! 

Dedicated To Your Success: Joseph’s Story
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