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Dedicated To Your Success: Daniel’s Story

Independence Now highlighted Consumer Success Stories at our 2023 Annual Meeting on Thursday, June 8, at the Hyattsville Library. In addition to success stories, attendees heard annual reporting and celebrated community members with an awards presentation.

Daniel was referred to the MD-WIN program through his friend. Daniel’s family was told that he was unemployable after experiencing a catastrophic accident 21 years ago. Twenty-one years later, Daniel was about to start his first job with Safeway and was excited about working but concerned about what would happen to his benefits. MD-WIN Director, Marilyn Morrison, talked to him about working and receiving SSA disability benefits, his Healthcare options, and how his work would affect any other entitlements he was receiving. Marilyn made recommendations and assisted him with reporting his income to SSA and applying for EID (Maryland’s Medicaid Buy-in option). Daniel recently celebrated his first anniversary with Safeway.  He loves his job and Safeway management loves him. He, and his family, say that they are thankful to MD-WIN for their assistance and availability. Since that first call, Daniel and Marilyn talk two to three times a month. Daniel loves to share updates about his work and says that he plans to work at Safeway for years to come, with hopes of becoming a cashier.   

Dedicated To Your Success: Daniel’s Story
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