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Transgender Day of Visability

Heart shape with light blue, light pink, and white stripes representing the transgender awareness flag.

Transgender issues in the media can be a hot-button topic but here at Independence Now we fully support our Trans staff and consumers. March 31st is Transgender Day of Visibility, and we just want to say WE SEE YOU and WE ARE HERE FOR YOU

Our Independent Living Specialist for Montgomery County, Sammi Hampton (they/them) is out and proud about the fact they are trans and nonbinary. They have been working with Independence Now for 2.5 years. They have worked with Independence Now to have outside entities come in and do proper training for all staff so they can be as helpful and supportive as possible. 

We have multiple transgender consumers, and we see them and cherish them. We want our consumers to feel comfortable talking with our staff about anything they are struggling with, even if it might be their own identity. We are strict on confidentiality and banned by HIPPA from divulging any information. We want to connect with disabled folks from all walks of life.  

There are so many disabled trans activists out there doing good work. Do you know Chella Man as Jericho from the DC Universe Titans series? Chella is a deaf, genderqueer, transmasculine, Asian, and Jewish person of color. Chella is a YouTuber, an LGBTQIA activist, an author, artist, model, and actor.  

Another great trans activist is Lydia X. Z. Brown (they/them/theirs/themself) who in their own words is “I am a writer, public speaker, educator, trainer, consultant, advocate, community organizer, community builder, activist, scholar, and attorney.”  They also say “I founded and lead The Autistic People of Color Fund in partnership with the Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network.”  Lydia has been recognized by the White House for their service.  

It doesn’t take being a superhero or being a presidential-recognized activist to be cool. You just have to be yourself and do the next right thing. If you’re not able to come out that’s ok too, you’re still valid as heck. We want to see your authentic selves so we can best help you lead your most independent lives. As always if you need anything you can contact your local Independent Living Specialist. To find the closest Maryland Center for Independent Living near you click here ILRU CIL DIrectory.  

Transgender Day of Visability
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