Wishing Beth Munro a Happy Retirement!
After eight years working at Independence Now, our beloved Beth Munro is retiring.
After eight years working at Independence Now, our beloved Beth Munro is retiring.
Independence Now Consumer, Misty, recently expressed her gratitude and shared how AT enabled her to enjoy time with her family while out in the community.
Carmen is living with her family, and enjoying her days with the support systems she needs to live a full life with the dignity and respect we all deserve.
Daniel loves to share updates about his work and says that he plans to work for years to come!
The IN Community gathered to hear annual reporting, success stories from our consumers, and for our annual award presentation.
It is with great joy that we now present this award in Deborah’s honor and memory to William Shawhan who carries on her commitment to an independent life.
Of the many proposals submitted to the conference subcommittee, we are honored to selected to speak at 2023 NCIL this summer.
Please join Independence Now in welcoming our new Public Health Specialists, Shajia Afrin and Caleb Colbert! Hi, I am Shajia Afrin, a Public Health Specialist at the Independence Now Inc. I graduated from the University of Maryland with Public Health Science major. One of the reasons I chose to become a Public Health Specialist is[…]
In honor of Brain Injury Awareness Month, Laurie Elinoff of The Brain Injury Association of Maryland shares her personal path to advocacy.
“Looking back, it’s hard to believe that I succeeded in finding a career and job that are good fits for me.”