Health & Wellness

Mental Health Among Minorities

Taking care of physical health is important for everyone. However, when it comes to checking on our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, many of us do not seek help to make it better. Resistance can be seen among people for many reasons; however, people from minority communities tend not to seek assistance when it comes[…]

Scoliosis Awareness Month

Every year in June, National Scoliosis Awareness Month aims to raise awareness of the rising need for public education, early detection, and learn about scoliosis and its prevalence in the community. An abnormal lateral curving of the spine, frequently resembling a S or C, is known as scoliosis.

HIV Testing

Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV causes HIV infection in the human body. This virus attacks the immune system and makes it weak to fight off other infections.

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