Seeking Independence Through Work
We are the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) project for Maryland.

What is a WIPA Project?
Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) is a Social Security funded program that provides benefits counseling to Social Security Disability beneficiaries who are interested in work. We can help you understand your options and support your decisions about returning to work.
You can work and increase your income and become more independent.
Why Participate in a Work Incentive Program?
The goal of a WIPA program is provide information and support to Social Security beneficiaries who are working or want to work and need to know how employment will affect their benefits. Understanding the options and possibilities can help a person make informed choices about increasing work earnings or going to work.
What Are the Benefits of Participating?
By working with a WIPA such as MD-WIN, Social Security beneficiaries will be better able to make informed choices about about increasing work earnings or going to work. Each WIPA is staffed with Community Work Incentives Coordinators (CWIC) who will:
- work with you to determine if you are eligible to participate in federal or state Work Incentives programs;
- provide you with in-depth counseling about social security benefits and the effect of work on those benefits;
- understand healthcare coverage and what will happen if you go to work, and
- work in cooperation with federal, state and private agencies and nonprofit organizations that serve SSI and SSDI beneficiaries with disabilities.
What are Work Incentives?
Work incentives are supports that can help you manage your benefits while you are working. For a list of work incentives please read Work Incentives for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Work Incentives for Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
One of the most powerful work incentives is the Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) program which is Maryland’s Medicaid Buy-in. Any person who has a disability that meets Social Security’s criteria and who is working can use this program. For someone who has no other benefits, this can provide very valuable health coverage under Medicaid, or as we call it in Maryland, Medical Assistance. You can apply online or contact an organization near you for assistance. Read SSI Work Incentives.
We can help you understand how work will affect a variety of benefits. Each WIPA project has Community Work Incentives Coordinators who:
- Provide in-depth counseling about your benefits and the effect of work on those benefits
- Understand Social Security Disability benefits programs as well as other federal, state, and local programs for which you might be eligible
- Provide problem solving and advocacy
- Information and Referral to other services
Click here to create your personal my Social Security account.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are just beginning to think about going to work and have some questions about how it may affect your benefits, contact:
or email us
For general information about the Ticket to Work and work incentives, contact:
Ticket to Work Help Line:
1-866-968-7842 or
1-866-833-2967 TTY
or visit Choose Work!

Our Team
Our team consists of Community Work Incentives Coordinators (CWIC) who are extensively trained in the work incentives not only for Social Security benefits, but for housing, food stamps, and other benefits administered by the State of Maryland as well.
Employment Stories and News

Empowering Employment: How Maryland’s WIPA Program Supports Social Security Beneficiaries in Pursuing Work Goals
Happy National Disability Employment Awareness Month!

Will Shawhan’s Career Journey
“Looking back, it’s hard to believe that I succeeded in finding a career and job that are good fits for me.”

#NDEAM | Chuck’s Employment Story
“Life, like domino’s, may and can afford one opportunity to prepare and set pieces in place.”
This document is funded through a Social Security cooperative agreement.
Although Social Security reviewed this document for accuracy, it does not constitute an Official Social Security communication.
This website was developed at taxpayers expense.
This document is funded through a Social Security cooperative agreement.
Although Social Security reviewed this document for accuracy,it does not constitute an Official Social Security communication.
This website was developed at taxpayers expense.