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Nursing Home Outreach | Money Follows the Person Project

We're here for you. We'll work to help you transition.

Graphic of a person in a wheelchair leaving a nursing facility and entering a home with dollars following the person.

What is Money Follows the Person?

Money Follows the Person (MFP) helps people transition from an institution, for example a nursing facility, to community living in an apartment, private home, or small group setting.

The State of Maryland was chosen by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to participate in the Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration, which was authorized by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 as an opportunity for states to rebalance long-term care systems. Through this demonstration, Maryland has the ability to address the institutional bias in long-term care by improving the availability and quality of community-based services.

Learn more

Living in a Nursing Facility and want information about moving back to the community?

Call Mike!

Photo of Michael Saunders

Michael Saunders

Director, Money Follows the Person
Phone: 240-638-0069
Mobile: 301-335-5915

How Does MFP Work?

Under contract with the Maryland Department of Disabilities (MDOD), Independence Now Inc. staff visit 48 nursing facilities across Montgomery and Prince George’s counties on a monthly basis to provide outreach and support to all residents who may be interested in transitioning to community living. Our staff visit with nursing facility residents, their family members as well as staff to provide information and resources on accessing community services. We find that when people have an opportunity to learn from a peer who has experienced moving from a nursing facility back to the community, there is greater comfort in exchanging information.

Am I Eligible to Participate?

While all residents are eligible to receive support and resources from our staff about community living, only residents with Long Term Care or Community Medicaid are eligible for application assistance for Medicaid community-based, long-term supports and services, including Community First Choice and the Home and Community Based Options Waiver.

Both programs provide community services and supports to enable older adults and people with disabilities to live independently in their own homes. Available services may include: personal assistance services, assisted living, environmental assessments, accessibility adaptations, supports planning, transition services, nurse monitoring, and more.

Application Process

Residents with Long Term Care Medicaid are eligible to apply for the Home and Community based Options Waiver, and residents with Community Medicaid are eligible to apply for Community First Choice. If a resident has ever or is currently living in a nursing facility in Prince George’s or Montgomery County, an Independence Now staff member will provide application support.

Additional Information

For more information about the Community First Choice and the Home and Community Based Options Waiver, eligibility and services please visit the Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene: Home & Community-Based Programs.

More Resources & Information

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Maryland Money Follows the Person
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Montgomery County Ombudsman Program
Prince George's County Official Logo
Prince George's County Ombudsman Program
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