Let’s All Go To The Movies!
On May the 4th, we’re not only reminded of how much we love Star Wars, but how much we love movies! Here’s some info on accommodations available at the theater and at home to maximize your viewing experience.
On May the 4th, we’re not only reminded of how much we love Star Wars, but how much we love movies! Here’s some info on accommodations available at the theater and at home to maximize your viewing experience.
Get A Grip is a company we frequently work with to complete home modification projects for consumers so they can remain independent in their own homes.
Annie Tulkin, Founder and Director of Accessible College, talks about resources for students with disabilities who are transitioning to a college setting.
With some of the CARES Act funding, Independence Now was able to purchase a laptop for Ms. Annette and, because Annette is blind, the computer was loaded with JAWS software so that it would be more accessible for her to use.
IN’s Smartphone Boot Camp teaches consumers who are blind or have low vision about the accessibility features on smartphones so they can learn how to use one independently.