Exciting News: Independence Now Is Now on LinkedIn!
We are thrilled to announce that Independence Now is now officially on LinkedIn!
We are thrilled to announce that Independence Now is now officially on LinkedIn!
My name is Kisha, I live in the city of College Park. As a resident of the state of Maryland, I have held the title of Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2022. I am a college graduate of Prince George’s Community College. I have the pleasure of advocating for myself and the issues that others with disabilities[…]
John Barrett of Mobility Solutions speaks with Independence Now about the wide variety of stairlifts and other services they provide.
In honor of Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month, Carlos Garner shares his story.
We’re looking forward to the day when we can return to the office so more consumers can see what we do first hand, but we’re working just as hard from home to provide services for anyone who is seeking support to live independently.
Transitioning from a Nursing Facility back to the community can be intimidating, there are many moving parts. Centers for Independent Living can be your guide!
With some of the CARES Act funding, Independence Now was able to purchase a laptop for Ms. Annette and, because Annette is blind, the computer was loaded with JAWS software so that it would be more accessible for her to use.
Keith Kelly was seeking a place to live on his own and heard about Independence Now (IN) from some friends. He worked with a team at IN including Shannon Minnick, Director of Independent Living Services; Abiola Heyliger, Montgomery County Independent Living Specialist; and Debra Potts, Independent Living Housing Specialist. Keith says he has become more[…]
January’s service focus is Independent Living Skills Training. As a reminder, Independent Living Skills include skills that increase the ability of a person with a disability to handle daily activities on their own without the support of others. When Independence Now consumers gain Independent Living Skills they not only master skills needed to live independently,[…]
The core service of Centers for Independent Living that we are featuring this month is Independent Living Skills Training. As a reminder, Independent Living skills are skills that increase the independence of a person with a disability because they handle more daily activities on their own without the support of others. At Independence Now, we[…]