Domestic Violence
If you are a victim of domestic abuse help is available.
If you are a victim of domestic abuse help is available.
Find out where to get clothing and other resources if you’re in need.
If you’re in need of mental health services and support, help is available.
Emergency food support resources are available during COVID-19.
Emergency rental assistance is available to renters during COVID-19.
Find out about free and reduced-cost internet and broadband services available to you.
Find out where and how to get the vaccine, get tested, and info on funeral assistance if you have a loved one who dies from COVID-19.
Find out the latest info on reopening your community.
Medicare covers the COVID-19 vaccine at no cost to you, so if anyone asks you to share your Medicare Number or pay for access to the vaccine, you can bet it’s a scam. Learn more at
Prince George’s County’s Health and Human Services Department releases updates and information on the COVID-19 vaccine at Montgomery County releases updates and information on the COVID-19 vaccine at